Gratitude and Reflections

Gratitude and Reflections

During this time of Thanksgiving and the advent of the Christmas season, I have spent some time reflecting on my years of business ownership. I’ve thought about what it has meant to my family and me and all who have helped to support me on this wild journey.

Whoever said time flies was right. I have a lot to be thankful for 37 years of marriage, two amazing children, three grandchildren, and 20+ years of business ownership. 

My career continues to be the culmination of all things past stacking on top of one another, enabling me to see the next horizon and opportunity. I truly believe my business is organic, and if I listen, the business guides me as to what to do next. The flow of my business has led me to this place today, where I find my happiness and direction to move to the next phase of my business and life. It has continued to provide both financially and emotionally to my family. What a joy it is to serve so many.

My career has always been about helping people improving their lives through business ownership. Best part? It continues every day as that remains my mission. 

The early years of my franchising journey were the Bootcamp of my career. I learned the good, the bad, and the great of franchising. I struggled, battled, learned, and grew. When I switched my focus to the franchising industry to become a coach and consultant to teach others about becoming an entrepreneur, I didn’t know how tough and resilient I could be.   

One of the things I knew that always resonated within me was being a lousy employee and that I wanted to continue to make my own decisions and live my own mistakes and successes. Through the years, I have grown to understand this journey and know what I do and have a solid sense of my ideal client. What a blessing my business has been! 

I look forward to the next horizon. I know that surrounding myself with honest quality people, providing quality client care is what I love. That is not a simple conclusion. 

So who do I thank? There are many, but first and foremost, my family for their unwavering support trust and believing in me. The mentors and coaches that gave freely to help me on my journey. The mistakes I made that enabled me to grow and learn, and my dogged determination to push through the hard times and celebrate the successes. 

I am not sure what is next, but I know it will be great as I continue to evolve with this great journey of helping others.  



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