JFBD and the Correlation to the Successful Franchisee

I am often asked by my clients the question of, “What makes a successful franchisee?”  Is it education, experience, money, socio-economic, or conditions?

Some of the above is indeed a factor and a necessity, but I feel the answer comes down to something that is much simpler and easier to understand.

Understand that money to invest in yourself and having specific skill sets is definitely a requirement and essential, but when it comes down to the plain fact, in my experience, it’s JFBD.  An acronym for “Juice, Fire, Burning Desire.”

As I reflect on the people, I have mentored and coached to owning their own franchise system to fit their specific characteristics and requirements, these simple words stand out.

Juice is all about attitude, and I firmly believe that attitude determines your altitude. Without the right attitude, you will remain stale. A positive winning attitude no matter what you do is infectious to all, whether it be family, friends, employees or the customers you serve. Attitude is everything.

Fire is all about the will to do whatever it takes, revel in the wins of the day and learn from the pieces that don’t go your way but push on. Nothing is easy, and complacency is the norm for so many which is why I see people in general stay in the norm and never go where they can and push the envelope.

Burning Desire is from within, riding the ups and downs, and always climbing onward and upward, striving and pushing to be better every day with a drive to do more, get better, and reach the heights you wish to achieve.

Franchising is a “plug and play,” and anyone can be a successful owner if they have that drive and passion.  To do more and realize your ability to do it for yourself is right in front of you to pursue if you really want to be a business owner.



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