Living Your Dreams

Living the Dream

Most of us have dreams that we wish to see come true, but for many, that is all it is — just a dream. For my wife and I, we have a bucket list we’ve put together and have started to tackle one by one. One of our dreams or bucket list events was to spend a winter in the Florida sun.

Growing up in New Jersey and going to the “Jersey Shore” was always a summer ritual for my family, and being near the beach has always been important. Spending 2 weeks at the Jersey Shore was something I experienced from the time I could remember. Now with the crazy winters and being older, my wife and I always dreamed of coming south and being Snowbirds.

We are fortunate to be in good health and thrive on activity, working out, riding bikes, and yes, going to the beach. So this is our year! Looking like the “Clampetts,” we packed up the Jeep and began our 1200+ mile trek to our “Winter HQ” in Florida.

This post, I am writing from my lanai by the pool as I reflect on this experience, one that we can now check off our bucket list. We are staying in a gorgeous home, with a beautiful community. We honestly have been enjoying this decision so much! Working is still primary and will be diligent every day, only now it will be in the sunshine, blue skies, and shorts and “tees.”

This goal has come true because of my franchising and business ownership efforts and the ability to work remotely. I have set my goals and have a course I steer each day, enabling me to continue this life of living my dreams and checking off our bucket list events.

If you are ever in a transition point or ever wished you worked on your dreams and not someone else’s, let us spend a few minutes in a conversation, and perhaps we can set a course for you.



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