Not what you think but what you know

Now what you think but what you know

In my “travels” with candidates who explore franchise opportunities, I find too frequently they decide to end an investigation of a particular concept based on what they think or hear rather than what they know.  It’s surprising to me when people find an end to something before they have all the facts.

Candidates who follow the entire process are more successful when they enter into business ownership. They seek out the counsel of an experienced coach, like myself, to guide them through the process, answer the many questions, and provide the resources to make an informed decision.

Deep dives are the only way you can determine what model fits a person’s goals (personal and financial) and identify the essential characteristics they wish to see from a business.

Understanding their role in a business is paramount. Some candidates chose to be actively present in the daily operations, handling the sales and marketing and hiring an operations person to handle the work. Some stay in their current job and develop the business as a semi-absentee owner. This model keeps them earning their current income and investing in an additional income and building equity (the secret of franchising).

Together as we dive deeper, the conversation will cover other considerations such as hours, employees, location, just to highlight a few. These conversations further the investigation process to uncovering the truths about the best model for the candidate.

A wise old person once said: “You don’t know what you don’t know.” Today is your chance to find out if business ownership is for you, what you want from a business, and how you want to spend your time.

If any of this makes sense, give me a call and let’s chat for a few minutes and let’s see where it can go.

Nothing ventured nothing gained.



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