Some Thoughts for True Passive Income Today

Some Thoughts for True Passive Income Today

Being financially sound in today’s world is undoubtedly relative to each individual’s situation.

I speak with many people that have good jobs, excellent skill sets, and decent investments, besides their salary.

Generally, people who have a good job have a 401K that they and the company contributes and separately have a portfolio of stocks, bonds, and maybe real estate. We all know the economy has been doing very well, and we hope it continues.

The market will always fluctuate; if we have years to invest, we may achieve the financial windfall through stock and bonds. However, we know to reach our goals, diversification is vital. We also know the market always goes for correction at some point.

One of the areas that people have not explored or maybe even thought about is building wealth through business ownership with a “Semi-Absentee” model.

I genuinely believe that this is a “not so well known model” for accruing an additional income stream to build equity for the future. In many ways, this model is the secret of Franchising.

Many industries offer passive ownership models that enjoy an excellent track record of success. Many individuals have become financially secure through the scaling of units over a few years.

I have worked with many people that have chosen this path to create additional wealth and freedom. They have gained the ability to leave the corporate grind by replacing their income levels of equaling or doing better than their job, working on their dream and not for someone else. Besides, they are also building significant equity as the unit grows in volume, creating a great exit strategy or more profound growth for a cash-out when you sell.

They say it takes money to make money and this is certainly one that does, as nothing is free. There are multiple ways to retain your cash and leverage most of the investment and grow from there.

Many of my clients never knew these types of opportunities exist in Franchising, proving “you don’t know what you don’t know.”

If you would like to learn a bit more of how this option might benefit you, let’s schedule a brief chat and determine if this could be a route for you.



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