Some Will, Some Won’t, Which one are you?

Over the last few weeks, I have been on a journey to reconnect with many of my past clients who have taken the path of franchise business ownership.

There was a common theme amongst them which was a resounding, “I would do it all over again!”  They were more than tickled with the idea of “hiring themselves.” Utilizing their skills developed in the corporate world and leveraging the systems of the franchise model has certainly paid them the dividends they initially set out to accomplish by choosing this path.

As we talked, most of them shared their journey.  They were thankful the lack of security, long hours, under-appreciation, lack of promotions, and the time away from family were no longer a concern. Certainly not uncommon with the vast numbers of people I speak with daily.

One of the factors that stands out as I look at the individuals who have taken this path is… they were willing.  They really wanted to make a change for the better and create a different life.  They set the direction in motion and made it happen.  Excuses were not in their world.

My clients took the time to listen, learn, and explore. They were willing to seek the counsel of an expert and knew they were not the smartest person in the room. They went through all the emotions that you can imagine such as fear of failure, leaving a paycheck, hearing from many around them “you’re crazy,” but in the end chose to do it for themselves.

It has been my privilege over the years to help so many discover this path.  Hearing from them the difference that business ownership has made in their lives.

Change is not easy, and business ownership is not easy. If it were, everyone would be a business owner. I do know that if you always did what you always do then the result is always the same.

People that have the desire to change their lives and their situation will make the time to learn and explore. They might realize that business ownership is not for them, but then again, they might find a life they always dreamed about by taking this step.

If you would like to have a conversation of next steps, let’s connect!



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