Taking a chance to find your “cheese”

Many of you might remember a short, light-hearted parable about change called, “Who Moved My Cheese” by Dr. Spenser Johnson. It follows four characters as they search, find, lose, and rediscover their favorite food “cheese” in a huge maze.

The reference to cheese is a metaphor for what you want in life, and the maze is where you look for it. The problem is the cheese source does not last forever.

Life changes whether we like it or not. We know that change is inevitable, and we need to adapt to it, embrace, and enjoy it. By doing so, we won’t just suffer less stress and unhappiness; we will also get to enjoy more success and fulfillment in every part of life and work.

COVID-19 certainly exemplifies the above in just about every way we think and act. Our “normal cheese source” has moved, and many of us have and will need to adapt to the changes it brings.

Hopefully, we are taking heed on all the precautions of sequestering, social distancing, masks and gloves when out in public, and washing hands as often as possible, to name a few.

There is an opportunity for those that plan for change. Franchising is very much alive, and there are many businesses that are not only moving but thriving as well.

Need help finding your next “cheese source”? I would be happy to help you through the maze.

Let’s connect today; schedule a call.
Stay Safe Stay Healthy.



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