Vacation Time and Business Ownership, Is it possible?

Vacation time and Business ownership is it possible

This summer, I have been very purposeful to spend time with family. I was able to enjoy my grown kids at the shore (we east coast people go the shore) playing in the waves. My wife and I watched our grandkids faces light up with smiles as they munched down a few ice creams. We all enjoyed waving our hands in the air on the Boardwalk rides. It’s been a great summer of family memories.

Being a business owner has given me the opportunity to determine how I spend the time. I don’t need to ask for permission to take time off, and I can set my work schedule, working harder when I need to. It has indeed been an excellent path for myself and my family.

Being able to enjoy my kids, and now, my grandkids, is a privilege that I will never forget, and being a part of their lives warms my heart.

Since this is my 26th year in the franchising industry, I’ve helped a few hundred people achieve financial and personal freedom. I am a great advocate for business ownership, especially in the franchise model.

Like anything good, working your butt off to achieve a level of success certainly doesn’t happen overnight. Owning a business isn’t for the “faint at heart.” But for those of you who have achieved a level of “corporate success,” now might be your time to build your dreams, instead of working for somebody else’s.

There are some fantastic franchise models out there today, and many have become “industry disrupters.” I would love to be your franchise coach and mentor. Helping you define a model that will bring you the financial and personal goals you want for your family and be in control of your destiny.



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