Vision and goals are the partnership for success.

Set goals and visualize

For many years, my wife and I had the goal of escaping the Jersey winter and becoming “snowbirds” in Florida. We would discuss where we’d like to stay, what we’d like to do, how we would get there, how long we’d stay, day trips we wanted to take, and the grandkids coming to visit.

This year with all of the craziness of the pandemic, we made our journey to Florida. We enjoyed so many of our plans and ended up staying a little longer than expected.

As I reflected on this experience, it made me see the importance of having both a goal and creating the vision. It’s easy to set goals or visualize what you want to happen, but it will be challenging to achieve your desired results unless you blend these two concepts.

Visualizing your goals moves your forward, keeps your excitement level higher, and helps you maintain the “why” of your goal.

Here are some key differences for goals and vision.


  • Action produces results
  • A means to an end
  • Require work and commitment
  • Test ability, skills, and perseverance


  • Allows for possibility
  • Expand our imagination
  • Create more than expected
  • Direction for your journey
Set goals and visualize
As we move into the 4th quarter of 2020, what’s your vision? What goals have you set? How will you finish this year stronger?
  • Will your goals be financial? Purchase holiday gifts with cash versus credit cards.
  • Will your goals be personal? Lose those 10lbs before the holidays.
  • Will your goals be spiritual? Meditate for 15 minutes each day.
  • Will your goals be business? Become a franchise business owner.

Determine the goals you need to create. They might be “stepping stone” goals, short term, long term, or lifetime goals. As you write out your goals, make sure to create the vision (visualize) for each.  If you need help to visualize yourself as a business owner, I am happy to help!  Schedule a “visualization” call with me, view my calendar.



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