When is the right time for change?

When is the right time for change

I am always intrigued when I speak with people that have come to a point in their lives when they seek a route for financial and personal freedom.  We always seem to have a great initial conversation. Discussing a process to follow that will define opportunities that fit their goals. Goals that allow them to take the leap and do on their own.  Our conversation ends with a clear plan to move forward; they are beaming with excitement for the journey of discovery they are about to begin. And then… nothing.

After some time we reconnect, I hear about the day to day struggles that got in the way of their plan; work projects and long hours, travel, family, and personal commitments. Ultimately I hear, “The timing is just not right for me, but will re-engage when I can free myself.”

Change can never happen if we allow ourselves to continually make excuses for our daily routines getting in the way of advancing our goals.  The hundreds of people that have taken the leap for change set a course and executed the plan to make it happen. If change were easy, we would all be in a place that creates that environment of harmony.

There is no perfect time for a change. Those who are committed to making it happen will take the time and realize there is not a better time than now.
It doesn’t matter what the change is; your health, your work/life balance, relationships or whatever. The only way change will happen is to set a start date for yourself.

I have been helping people make a change to create a lifestyle that is financially and personally rewarding for over 25 years. Are you ready to make a change?  Let’s talk today!



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