Why settle when there is more to be had?

Why settle when there is more

I recently had a conversation with a couple who were prior clients of mine. It was great to hear from them and learn how they were doing.

Gene and Nancy had decided five years ago they were going to leave the corporate grind and open an owner-operated home healthcare business. For them, they had reached a stage in life where they want to step back and create a more passive type of income to afford them more time to travel and enjoy hobbies.

Years ago, when we met, I advised them through the franchise discovery process to own their business. Today, Gene and Nancy are not settling for just one business; they are beginning the discovery process again! Without hesitation, we have rolled up our sleeves and started to identify their needs and goals for their next endeavor to diversify their portfolio.

It’s a privilege and honor to work with many executives, managers, and entrepreneurs over my 25+ years in franchising, advising each person on their journey to find their perfect fit. These conversations are what keeps me fired up every day.

In life, we can sit back and settle, letting life pass by us. Or we can take charge of our destiny to create a fuller life of experiences. Gene and Nancy are on their journey to experiencing more in their lives. Are you ready to choose not to settle and experience more for your life?

Let’s connect and discuss your goals and dreams!



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