Will you Run or Rise?

“I did it!” Those words are still being replayed in my head as I thought about my recent conversation with “John.”

John is a past client who was paralyzed with fear and anxiety once he pulled the trigger for a business. He did all the right things during his investigation and knew the franchise concept he selected was the right fit. But upon starting, he froze in his tracks. He was overpowered by all the negative things that could/might happen. He did not know where to start and tried to plow through the anxiety but kept falling.

It is very natural to experience fear when stepping out of your comfort zone. Fear helps us to think about things we might not have thought about and can either motivate us to move forward or stop us in our tracks.

We have two choices for fear. Either we can “Forget Everything and Run,” or we can “Face Everything and Rise.”

Will you Run or Rise?

Forget Everything and Run

As people, we are great at self-deception, coming up with excuses for why we don’t do something, but the excuses are never actually why. Leaving a paycheck’s security in favor of investing in yourself can be very stressful, intimidating, and scary. While we generally want to succeed and take the leap, an overwhelming sense of fear takes over, and we miss taking advantage of a great opportunity.

Face Everything and Rise

When you find yourself in the position of an opportunity that can significantly improve your life and it’s something you always wanted to do, step back and self-reflect. Asking yourself, “Is this something I want to do,” and “Will this opportunity get me to the next level?” If the answer is affirmative, take a deep dive to see what is holding you back. Why are you resistant to moving forward? It would help if you were critical of yourself. It’s ok to be afraid, embrace the fear/anxiety, and know it is a natural state.

In closing, once you’ve reflected and determined to pursue the opportunity, move forward with confidence in yourself to persevere. You have done it your entire career for someone else; now do it for you. It will be scary, and you may feel fear, but you will thank yourself in the long run for having the courage to succeed and reach all the goals and dreams you desire.

Remember John… “I did it!” While it’s been almost two years since he began his journey as a business owner. He is very thankful he chose to “Face Everything and Rise.” 2020 was his best year, finishing the year “just shy of one million.”



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