Gratitude and Giving Back
Generally speaking, we live in a fast-paced and rat race-driven world. We work, we play, we run, and in the end, we are just plain tired. Sometimes we do need to stop, “smell the roses,” and take a step back from the daily grind of trying to get everything...
Some Thoughts for True Passive Income Today
Being financially sound in today’s world is undoubtedly relative to each individual’s situation. I speak with many people that have good jobs, excellent skill sets, and decent investments, besides their salary. Generally, people who have a good job have a 401K that...
Thoughts on Funding Multi Unit Growth
So you have decided that “Go Big or Go Home” is your mantra for business ownership. What is one of the most important things to know if you think multi-unit ownership is right for you? Is that how the lender funds the first unit and how it affects your ability to fund...
You Want to Become a Business Owner… Now What?
Becoming a business owner is no small feat. There are many crossroads one needs to travel to feel comfortable to take the leap and do it on their own. The idea of being independent, controlling your destiny, making the money you want, and having the time to enjoy life...
Vanilla, Chocolate or Strawberry
Choices?? That’s right. We all have choices in all that we do. We have the choice to get up in the morning, to wear the clothes we want to wear, and to eat what we want. Choice is all around us. Making the right choice is not always the easiest and knowing when it is,...
Outcomes or Rationales
This week I've been reflecting on several of my recent clients who I've helped place with ideal franchises. Many of these clients had similar qualities that moved them to make the decision of franchise ownership. They were undoubtedly goal oriented with the end...
Dreamers or Doers, Actions or Excuses
I have spent a great deal of time over the last 30 days or so, doing what I call “Chasing potential Clients” that have reached out for help to explore transitioning into business ownership. I have always believed that “working with the willing” was my mantra and feel...
Some Will, Some Won’t, Which one are you?
Over the last few weeks, I have been on a journey to reconnect with many of my past clients who have taken the path of franchise business ownership. There was a common theme amongst them which was a resounding, “I would do it all over again!” They were more than...
Employee Or Employer- Where Do You Fit?
Have you ever wondered why some people own a business and others just work for one? Maybe you’ve thought about owning a business of your own for some time, but you’re not sure if it’s the right step to take. What kind of an individual is cut out to be an EMPLOYER? ...
JFBD and the Correlation to the Successful Franchisee
I am often asked by my clients the question of, “What makes a successful franchisee?” Is it education, experience, money, socio-economic, or conditions? Some of the above is indeed a factor and a necessity, but I feel the answer comes down to something that is much...