Vanilla, Chocolate or Strawberry

Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry

Choices?? That’s right. We all have choices in all that we do. We have the choice to get up in the morning, to wear the clothes we want to wear, and to eat what we want. Choice is all around us.

Making the right choice is not always the easiest and knowing when it is, in fact, the “right” choice.

Most of the choices we make are through habits we all have developed through the years and for the most part, programmed in all of us. Sooner or later, we are confronted by the need to make different choices for life to get better.

Some of us will stay the course doing what we have always done while others reach for the stars to better themselves and the life they lead.

I work with people who see themselves at a crossroad of some kind in their lives.  The choice to stay in the corporate world, continually trying to create a better career, with added responsibilities with no increase in financial compensation or personal time.

In many cases, that is a load that many can’t bear for too long without something breaking or exploding in their world.

Many of my clients have determined that money and time need to be in their control. They have come to realize without the ability to do it for themselves; all they are doing is creating wealth and time for someone else.

Vanilla, Chocolate or Strawberry, a simple analogy for choices that franchising offers everyone who wants the opportunity to be in control of money and time and where their hard work, skills and time benefit them and their families. You can jump in with both feet in a full-time investment or semi-absentee, keeping your main job and building a business on the side to transition and scale.

The choice and choices are up to you, and if that yearning is there lets chat for a few minutes to see if this is a path to pursue.

If you would like to have a conversation of next steps, let’s connect!



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