Outcomes or Rationales

Outcomes or Rationales

This week I’ve been reflecting on several of my recent clients who I’ve helped place with ideal franchises.   Many of these clients had similar qualities that moved them to make the decision of franchise ownership.

  • They were undoubtedly goal oriented with the end result of being in control of their destiny.
  • They were not necessarily the “smartest in the room” and realized that early in the process.
  • They were interested in learning both the pros and cons of franchise ownership.
  • They wanted help to identify the right business for them, not just a business.
  • They realized the maze of opportunity to select the right business would be better if they chose an expert to work with.
  • They were committed to working on their dreams of financial security and personal freedom rather than doing it for someone else.

This process was one step at a time with the foundation based on knowledge and answers to their questions.  When they spoke to current franchisees or heard comments that appeared negative, they took it in stride and did not walk away but dug deeper to realize, not everyone puts the same effort in the early stages.

My clients were determined to find reasons to do something for themselves rather than rationales to walk away. By sticking with the process and continuing to learn through the experiences of others, they uncovered it was based more on individual efforts than the system they were investigating.

In the end, their desire to become successful independent franchise owners, knowing the hard work in front of them, was for their own benefit and not for someone else.

If you would like to have a conversation of next steps, let’s connect!



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